Week 2: The nearest neighbours inherit all qualities from their gold1000 parent

The second week focused on computational linguistics, the interdisciplinary field that deals with the analysis and modeling of natural language from the point of view of computation. The field is a unique intertwining of knowledge and power, but also site of extraordinary examples of art, music, poetry and prose.

Great progresses have been made in the fields of linguistics and of language acquisition thanks to this discipline, but its outcomes are also increasingly fulfilling necessities of surveillance, economy and governance. These more mundane and materialistic sides deal in general with the translation of a multiplicity of written text into comparable, processable data, and the profiling of its authors.

The computer-linguists of the research center CLiPS at the University of Antwerp are working on different text analysis tools and datasets to address large corpora of natural language. We think that these tools and methodologies merit to have a look at them, experimenting with the non-pragmatic potential of these tools, trying to find something else than quantification and determination.

Week 2's Projects | Week 2's README